Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Last night Perry and I had a mini-Seder. We sang the traditional songs, drank the wine, read the verses (most of them, anyway) and joined millions of other Jews in remembering the importance of freedom from bondage. In our Haggadah it is emphasized that it is the responsibility of Jews to do the work of caring for those less fortunate. I fear that in our country today we are ALL becoming less fortunate, due to the drive by a minority to put the greatest wealth in the hands of the fewest: those who already hold the greatest wealth.

I have said it before, and will say it again: MY personal wealth has never been economic. I am grateful for all of the friends I have, and have had, for the opportunities to learn, to work, to sing, spin, knit...

I remember with great fondness Seders of the past, when good friends gathered at our table. Perhaps someday we will celebrate in that way again, with friends and my daughter seated at the table with Perry and I....This is one of my fondest wishes: to sing the old songs, say the old words, and drink four glasses of wine in the company of friends and family united.

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