Sunday, February 05, 2006

Casting On

I've had a wonderful year and a half, setting up my yarn shop, filling it with the things and the people that make knitting enjoyable. I am in a tiny town called Brocton, halfway between Erie PA and Buffalo NY. Many people wouldn't notice the town, let alone my shop... but those who have found me seem pleased. I am a knitter, crocheter, weaver, spinner, and potter. Of course, i meddle in other crafts as well, when time allows. I am focusing on lace in my personal life, on eight inch squares for sampler afghans in my store. I play guitar, play with my golden retriever (raffi) and dabble in writing (three books barely in progress, guilt, procrastination and nail-biting.) When I set out to name my yarn shop i called it Woolgathering. In retrospect it's sort of sad, realizing that i believed it to be original. One yarn representative told me she knew of seven shops with that name. I hope she's exaggerating. I hope to post some simple original patterns as time goes by.... i'm new to the idea of posting... ultimately, if this begins to feel less alien, i may put my shop on the web... for now, just little old me.... um.... not so little... maybe just old me will suffice!

1 comment:

bipolarbear said...

From one knitter/spinner/potter to another, good luck with your shop! I own(ed) my own rubber stamp store for 5 years, so I know of the hassles and joys.