Some days it seems as though everything I know is falling through quicksand, and grasping at what I am CERTAIN of is impossible. I find it reprehensible that there are people (Fox News, perhaps?) trying to stir up anti-Muslim sentiments to the extent of encouraging otherwise patriotic Americans to rally against a Mosque two blocks from the site of the World Trade Center bombings.
Has the site of the World Trade Center become hallowed ground? Certainly. But we are AMERICANS. We not only BELIEVE in freedom of religion, we have included it our most important treatises: It is the FIRST AMENDMENT to the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. If we truly value our freedom, as a nation, we will TREASURE the right of AMERICANS to worship as they choose. There is no proposal to build a mosque on the site of the World Trade Center, but two blocks away.
New York exemplifies what America stands for: It is truly the place where all cultures and religions are represented. It was not only Christians who died in the World Trade Center that day... it was Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and others as well. We need to remember all of the lives lost that day, and honor them as Americans by honoring our Constitution: Let the Muslims worship freely in America.... and Just as we caught Timothy McVeigh, a Christian Extremist who bombed a building in Oklahoma City, we must catch anyone... Muslim, Christian, Jew... who wishes to destroy what we believe in.... let's not make it easier by abandoning our beliefs: Freedom of Religion: Let freedom Ring!